
Unseen Information about New Ghilaf e Kaba Recently Covered on Baitullah | Unique Knowledge on Kiswa

2023-07-30 1 Dailymotion

Unseen Information about New Ghilaf e Kaba Recently Covered on Baitullah | Unique Knowledge on Kiswa


نئے ہجری سال کے آغاز پر بیت اللہ پر چڑھائے گئےجدید غلاف کعبہ کے بارے میں اہم اور مختلف معلومات
Nay Hijri saal k aghaz pe Baitullah pr chrrae gay jaded ghilaf e Kaba k barey mein ahm aur mukhtalif maloomaat
کتنا سونا چاندی اور ریشم استعمال ہوا؟
How much gold, silver and silk was used in Ghilaf Kaba of 2023?
kitna sona chandi aur resham istemaal hua
کتنے ریال کی لاگت آئی؟
How many Rials did it cost for new Ghilaf?
kiswah k liey kitne riyal ki laagat ae
تیاری اور چڑھائی میں کتنے لوگ شامل تھے؟
How many people were involved in the preparation and climbing the Kiswah?
ghilaf e kaba ki tyari aur chrrae mein kitne log shamil thy
نیا غلاف کعبہ کتنا مہنگا ہے؟
How expensive is the new cover of the Kaaba?
nya ghilaf e Kaba kitna mehnga hai
غلاف کعبہ لیجانے کیلئے خاص گاڑیاں خاص راستہ
Special vehicles special routes for Carrying Baitullah Cover
Ghilaf e Kaba le Jane k liey khaas gaarriyaan cars trucks aur khas rasta

Important and various information about the new cover of the Ka'ba placed on Baitullah at the beginning of the new Hijri year۔۔۔۔
A team of about 200 experts from King Abdulaziz Kiswah Complex under the supervision of Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman Al Sudis completed the work. It takes three to four hours to remove the golden rings that fasten the cover of the Kaaba and replace it with a new cover. The preparation of the new cover of the Kaaba has cost about 25 million Rials. 850 kg of raw silk has been used in it. More than a hundred skilled artisans worked on the production of 55 pieces of the cover and each piece took 60 to 120 days to embroider. 120 kg of gold and 100 kg of silver thread were used for the preparation of the cover of the Kaaba.